
We are auditioning for all voices this year! We need as many singers to try as possible. If you are interested in auditioning for NoteThis, please email and put down your following:

  1. Name
  2. Voice range (SATB ),  
  3. Class standing,  
  4. Major/intended major, and 
  5. Why you’re interested in joining the group
We usually audition in the band room on Sundays and Fridays infront of a three or more person panel.

In your audition, please perform a song of your choice a cappella, with no accompaniment. Be prepared to (1a) learn a new song and sing it with a group and (1b) by yourself; (2) pitch matching, (3) voice range flexibility, and (4) sight reading. 

If you are a beatboxer, rapper, or music arranger/composer/songwriter, your talents are greatly needed! These are plusses! 

When you email us we will send you two forms, an audition form and a schedule form. Make sure you look over and fill out the audition form before you come into audition. Also fill out the Schedule form as well and bring it to your audition. Don't be nervous :)